
Enhancements to the Refi Possible Program

Freddie Mac Bulletin 2021-33, issued October 20, 2021, announced enhancements to the Refi Possible program.  Enhancements detailed below.

The effective dates of these enhancements vary; Brokers should pay careful attention to the effective dates outlined below for each enhancement.

Borrower Benefit

  • The requirement that the borrower’s payment be reduced by a minimum of $50 has been removed. Any reduction to the monthly principal, interest, and mortgage insurance (if applicable) payment is now acceptable

NOTE:  There is no change to the requirement that the interest rate be reduced by a minimum of

50 basis points

  • Effective Date: This update is effective immediately.  The loan must receive an Accept/Eligible finding

Removal of the Financing Closing Costs Cap

  • The $5,000 cap on the financing of closing costs, prepaid items and points has been removed; there is no longer a cap to the amount of costs that may be financed
  • Effective Date: This update is effective immediately. The loan must receive an Accept/Eligible finding

Increase to Borrower’s Income Eligibility

  • The borrower’s income must be at or below 100% of the AMI limit for the subject property location (previously at or below 80%)
  • Effective Date: January 2022. Freddie Mac has not issued a specific date at this time.  Homebridge will provide an effective date once it has been announced by Freddie Mac

Elimination of the Maximum Seasoning Requirement

  • The requirement that the loan be seasoned no more than 120 months (10 years) has been removed

NOTE:  There is no change to the requirement the loan being refinanced seasoned a minimum of 12 months (measured from original Note date to the Note date of the new loan)

  • Effective Date: January 2022.  Freddie Mac has not issued a specific date at this time.  Homebridge will provide an effective date once it has been announced by Freddie Mac

The Refi Possible guidelines have been updated with the enhancements that are effective immediately and posted on the Homebridge website at www.HomebridgeWholesale.com

If you have any questions, please contact your Account Executive